Friday Feel Good Quick Mix for Nov 2015
We made this mixtape back in the late 90’s for a bachelorette Party. The bride to be, rented a limo and wanted me to make a mixtape for her special day. She chose the songs and I put them down in a mix. Side B was a Booty Mix. Although, we can’t seem to find that mixtape… Hmmmmm. I going to have Fry Weezie go on a mixtrape man hunt. The limo driver loved the mixtape and ask if he can have it. Luckily, we had a copy of it. I remember the night I recorded the mix. I was in my room and I had the lights off. I did all the cuing without a monitor just straight from the headphones. Which to this day, we still record the same way using just the headphones. I could not have loud music in my room because I did not want to disturb my family while they slept. I was trained using the headphones because local clubs did not have a monitors so we just used the headphones instead. This mix was recorded on Real Vinyl. Serato was not around till 2006. For ol’ Times sake, there are times when we mix using Serato but on Absolute Mode. Absolute Mode resembles real vinyl on the Serato Sofeware. Sometimes, we still want to use are ears rather then keeping our eye glued on the laptop. We hope you enjoy the mix. I’m pretty sure the ladies enjoyed the Limo ride and males strippers. Cochinas!!!!
Artist on This mixtape Includes: Doug-e Fresh, Slick Rick, Mad Lion, MC Hammer, Eric B and Rakim, Keith Sweat, Guy, and Many More.
... is an all around entertainer. On the mic or on the wheels of steel! Dave is sure to be a crowd pleaser!