Friday Feel Good Quick Mix for January 2016
Happy New Year.. We took a break this New Years Eve but did not forget about you. We have a lot in store this Year 2016 and we will continue to lay down mixes for your listening pleasure. We hope you all had a great Time during the holidays. This Mix has a little bit of every genre of party music. From Grand Master Flash and the Furiuos Five to M.C. Shy D. Fry Weezie difinate took us way back to some great party jams. We hope you enjoy the mix and please share it.
Artist Include: Deee-Lite, Daft Punk, Marvin Gaye, Vanilla Ice. Chaka Khan, PitBull, Anita Ward, Sheila E, Michael Jackson, JJ Fad, MC Shy D., and Many More..
Enjoy the Mix and Party Responsibly.
... is an all around entertainer. On the mic or on the wheels of steel! Dave is sure to be a crowd pleaser!